segunda-feira, 29 de outubro de 2007

Dear friends, cool that you are looking into what things are happening here in Brasil! The following pictures are taken in a slum. There is a project there from YWAM that is doing an excellent work!! They have a big base with swimming pool and other sports and school facilitys! We hang out with the kids, help them in school, play with them, visit their familys, and just love on them and much more!!! It´s a great place here in Belo Horizonte!

one of the slum hills

Is´nt he cool :-)

The moto of Brasil!!!

I wonder what is going on in his heart!??!

The balancing king!

........what can I say?????.......

way sweeter than chocolate!!! ADORABLEL!!!

yeah!!! PAUSA!!!

mhhhhh, chocolate cake!!!

washing dishes and clothes



ya just gotta love them!

activitys in the pool

(they get swimming lessons in the mornings)

yeah, I can do it!

roller blading with the boys

....please say a number I have on my card!!!!


girls just wanna have fun!

I wonder what he is thinking!???

just hanging by the moment

Swings are fun!

???? who is more scared of who ????

Robson has a special place in my heart!

Alex, a special boy!

:-) more Ice Cream......cabo!



Can YOU do that??? Drink through your mouth and through your nose at the same time??? ;-)

Every time Alex would see me, he would come and talk and tell me about his family!

brasilian friends


a refreshing shower in the heat of the day! ALWAYS welcome!



do we love green or what!

beaches are so relaxing

:-) :-) :-)

Katherine, thanks for visiting me in Salvador! U ROCK!

Felipe, did you need any napkins in your green holidays... ;-)

???WHO is the mother of this girl????

(how rude!! ;-)

Almost every day I got a fresh suco from this place!

CARNE!!! I love CARNE!!!


more fellowship, more eating and drinking, more having fun....GOOD TIMES!!!

one mestre from Salvador and one mestre from Roma ;-)